6th Chakra Blend Flower Essence
Flower Essences: Avocado, Corn, and Pear Essences
Location: Forehead between eyebrows/medulla oblongata
Sanskrit name: Ajna chakra
Color: Indigo
Element: Super-ether
About the 6th Chakra
The 6th, or Ajna chakra, unlike the other chakras, is polarized into a negative pole at the base of the skull (medulla oblongata) and a positive pole at the point between the eyebrows, also called the spiritual, or third eye. The negative pole is the metaphysical seat of the human ego; the positive pole represents liberation from that form. Its color is indigo, or blue with shades of purple. The flower essences that can empower this chakra are:
Avocado Essence for good memory, in helping us to remember, ultimately, who we truly are, freed from the hypnosis of all weakness and self-doubt; and to remove the mental blocks people raise against unwanted experiences.
Corn Essence for mental vitality; for reaching a crossroads in your life, for new beginnings, and for moving forward without looking back; to overcome sluggishness, laziness, and procrastination
Pear Essence, our classic flower essence for inner peace once we accept rather than resist the many trials that life brings us; to release agitation and to see the silent gifts within our difficulties.
Helps to Overcome:
About Our Bottles
- Prepared from the purest blossoms in their peak of bloom
- Each formula keenly attuned to reinforcing its chakra’s flow, stability, and expansion
- Combinations of 3 of the most important flower essences for each chakra
- In cobalt blue glass bottles, ½ oz. (15 ml.)
- Designer labels that match the colors of the corresponding chakras
- For freshness and longevity: store upright, tightly sealed, out of heat and humidity.
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