Flower Essences For Children
Spirit-in-Nature Essences are highly recommended for children, who are naturally receptive to these natural remedies.
Flower essences build a welcome bridge between children’s relationships with those around them, and especially with themselves:
- For families
- For the dynamics between mother and child
- For issues with siblings
- At school
- With peers
What better tool than flower essences to “nurture their nature” to:
- enhance their innate talents, gifts and charm
- support their intrinsic wisdom
- redirect their behaviors and attitudes toward their highest potential
For more information:
- Dosage Directions for Children
- Essence Definitions for Children
- Free Online Essential Flower Essence Handbook – Children’s Chapter
- NEW! Children Blog Posts
Dosage Directions for Children
- Directions for children are basically the same as for adults: 2 to 4 drops of Stock Concentrate under the tongue, or added to water or juice, though not milk (10 minutes before a meal or an hour after), 4 times daily. The essences can be given more often if needed, even 10 to 20 times a day.
- You may also add 16 Stock Concentrate drops to bath water or 2 to 4 drops to the baby bottle. Spraying the crib or bed with the essences in a misting bottle is helpful as well. During pregnancy is an especially sensitive time to take essences. Also, babies who are nursing will receive essences through the mother’s milk.
- To eliminate the brandy preservative, simply prepare a 1-oz. Dosage Bottle with 2 drops of Stock Concentrate and filling the bottle with spring water. This bottle will retain its potency for one month if refrigerated. Please note: essences need to be stored out of heat and direct sunlight.
- Any combination of the above dosage methods is acceptable. You may find your child reminding you when it’s time for an essence!
Essence Definitions for Children
Excerpted from The Essential Flower Essence Handbook by Lila Devi with additional information
- Almond – Self-Control, including control of sexual energies; calmness; beneficial to pre-teens; for excessive behavior; restlessness
- Apple – Healthfulness; for cultivating healthy attitudes; may be administered during illness or when the thought of illness is present; for periods of discouragement or lethargy
- Avocado – Good Memory; for the child who forgets his chores, manners, or personal habits; helps with school work; sharpens concentration; for children who have trouble paying attention; for learning musical instruments or undertaking creative endeavors; a good essence to take before exams
- Banana – Humility; calmness; for children who needs to center their attention less on themselves and more on family and friends; for “the bully”
- Blackberry – Purity of thought; for “the terrible two’s”; for children who have been exposed to harmful movies or television programs; for negative attitudes
- Cherry – Cheerfulness; for the child prone to moods or periods of withdrawal; for times of sadness or disappointment; helps with the trauma of divorce, imminent or past; for bed-wetting
- Coconut – Upliftment; helps a child deal with sibling rivalry; for times of challenge or struggle in school or in group dynamics; helps develop maturity and the ability to make better choices in life, especially in difficult or “stuck” situations; good for going to the dentist
- Corn – Mental Vitality; for new beginnings: a new school year, moving to a new location, making new friends, or in any new situation; for encouragement; for a burst of energy; for “the study blahs”; for unwillingness; procrastination; to help children keep their rooms clean
- Date – Sweetness; tenderness; for the child with a sour disposition; for a critical or judgmental nature; irritability; for the child who finds fault with others, especially siblings; for whining
- Fig – Flexibility; for the child who is too hard on himself or tries too hard; dissatisfaction with accomplishments no matter how fine; for seeing many sides of an issue; for training of any kind; for nail-biting or thumb-sucking
- Grape – Love; for any attitudes that are unloving; for stubborn, self-willed moods; jealousy; clinginess; for domineering energy; for the tattletale; for tantrums; for the child who dominates others; for children who have been abandoned or abused
- Lettuce – Calmness; helps children who are too wound up to play constructively; for bouncing off the walls; for sleeplessness for children and parents alike (especially with newborns); for stage fright in school plays or for standing up in front of the class; for children who don’t like salad!
- Orange – Joy; to banish melancholia; for deep-seated moods; discontent; helpful during teething; for tests of some duration; good for emotional issues connected with any accidents to the head; for abuse issues
- Peach – Selflessness; concern for the welfare of others; excellent for weaning; for sharing; cooperation with other children; promotes a healthy, nurturing attitude toward others
- Pear – Peacefulness; for any emergencies: accidents, sudden illness, major or minor injuries; helpful with toilet training; facilitates the learning of positive new habits; for fidgety, restless energy; for children who have a hard time listening in school or to their parents
- Pineapple – Self-Assuredness; helps to “untie the apron strings”; for the child who has been singled out by peers for being smaller, larger, or somehow different; for the child who is painfully shy
- Raspberry – Kindheartedness; promotes a giving nature; for over-sensitivity; for the child who lashes out without apparent reason; for the child who hurts others or is easily hurt
- Spinach – Simplicity; for the child who is prematurely grown up or overly serious; stress, exhaustion, overwork; for those situations when a child feels distraught or overwhelmed; for overcoming a dysfunctional background
- Strawberry – Dignity; for the child who has trouble letting go of being a baby; for the child dealing with a divorce or separation of parents; for valuing oneself; for clarity of self-image
- Tomato – Strength, Courage; to dissolve fears; for children who suffer from nightmares; for overwhelming fear of performance; breaking bad habits; helps children to move forward in their lives when they are anxious or extremely nervous