Practitioner Discount Program (PDP)

That entitles you to a 20% off retail discount

Who qualifies? Maybe you!

• Flower essence practitioners.

• Licensed, accredited therapist, practitioners, and health care professionals.

• Spirit-in-Nature Home Study Course graduates, or those currently enrolled.


Your business card, current status as a retailer, or certification of training: a resale license, website URL, or proof of certification in holistic/allopathic training-as many of the above as you can provide.

Please note: our shopping cart is not equipped to give the 20% PDP discount on our 2 items already discounted 10%: The Complete Assortment and The Complete Designer Assortment. Thus we request a credit or debit card payment for either of these items (instead of PayPal) in order to reconcile the difference and see that you receive the correct 20% discount.

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