Questionnaire for Pets and Animals

This questionnaire is designed
- As an educational tool for you, a caring pet owner.
- To help broaden your perspective and invite you into the world of the animals you love.
- To help you assess their flower essence needs.
- Because animals live in their feelings and instincts, thus making them highly receptive to flower essences.

How it can help you and your pet
- While an evaluation of this nature is somewhat general by definition, many people find it a helpful tool in assessing the needs of their animal friends.
- Some of the questions are species-specific, such as litter box problems, while others are more general, as with loneliness.
- For example, fear is the same for a horse and a hamster; thus the species is often irrelevant.

Other factors to consider
- The influence of other pets, adults, and children in the household/property.
- Owner-related problems.
- Diet, exercise, and various health-related factors.
- Most importantly, the presence of a loving, committed caregiver for the animal.
Please rule out medical causes with proper veterinary care.
Answer the following questions quickly; your first hunch will generally be the most accurate. Place a checkmark by the “yes” statements (in groupings of 3 to 9 questions); leave blank those statements you feel do not apply to your pet or are not a particular area of concern. Check yes if any part of the question applies.
Also, please note that flower essences will not control or manipulate your pet’s behavior. If you are wanting her to be more graceful, for example, a flower essence program will bring forth this quality only if it’s in her nature to be so. Nor do flower essences directly treat physical symptoms; thus this questionnaire addresses the animal’s emotional and behavioral needs.
Consider dating and saving your responses and re-test your pet at monthly intervals.
Note: the author subscribes to proper subject-pronoun agreement and uses both the masculine- and feminine-singular pronoun but not she-they.
If three or more statements are checked, this indicates a helpful flower essence.
ALMOND – Moderation
1. ____ Does your pet exhibit nervous, frenetic, or obsessive behavior, i.e., does he over-groom, overeat, or overdo in any way?
2. ____ Does he need to adapt better to a domesticated lifestyle?
3. ____ Is he presently kept indoors after previously (by you or a past owner) being allowed to roam freely outdoors?
APPLE – Clarity
4. ____ Does your pet have chronic health problems, or does she have specific infirmities to which she needs to adapt?
5. ____ Do you suspect she has picked up health-related fear, worry, or doubt from others in your household?
6. ____ Is she the runt of the litter?
7. ____ Does she exhibit behaviors that are unhealthy or not in her best interest?
AVOCADO – Good Memory
8. ____ Is your pet dreamy, unresponsive, or generally disinterested?
9. ____ Are you working with him on training for specific behaviors?
10. ____ Does he fail to come home, or respond, when you call him?
11. ____ Is he slow to respond to training?
BANANA – Cooperation
12. ____ Does your pet get easily upset or inappropriately riled for no apparent reason?
13. ____ Does she tend to bully other household members, or would you like her to be easier to live with?
14. ____ Do you think she would benefit if her already gentle and sensitive personality were reinforced?
15. ____ Is your pet unable to groom or care for himself due to illness or old age?
16. ____ Are there members in your home who exhibit negative behaviors or emotions to which your pet is exposed or does he himself express negative behaviors?
17. ____ Has your pet been exposed to harmful chemicals? (Medical attention may be necessary.)
18. ____ Is there an area of your home that has been soiled or sprayed? (Use this essence in a misting bottle in that area.)
CHERRY – Cheerfulness
19. ____ Is your pet often bad-tempered, prone to moods, or picks up moods of other members in the household?
20. ____ Does she appear moody?
21. ____ Although many animal lovers pamper their pets, does your pet express being “spoiled rotten” in negative ways, such as through difficult behaviors?
22. ____ Does she overstep established boundaries even after loving, consistent training?
COCONUT – Upliftment
23. ____ Is your pet coping with a particular painful physical infirmity?
24. ____ Is he aging and dealing with limited movement or range of physical abilities, or is he recovering from a surgery, illness, or accident?
25. ____ Are there difficult situations in the home or property for other members that might be affecting your pet?
CORN – Vitality
26. ____ Have there been any recent major changes in your pet’s living situation, or has he recently joined your family?
27. ____ Is he behaving sluggishly, or is he disinterested in his environment and those with whom he shares it?
28. ____ Is he an older animal?
DATE – Sweetness, Tenderness
29. ____ Is your pet touchy or irritable, (it is important to rule out medical causes), or does she seem to have a lot of “off days”?
30. ____ Does she pick on other pets in the household, or does she generally not get along well with other animals or people in the home/property?
31. ____ Is “stand-offish” a word that others use to describe her temperament?
FIG – Adaptability
32. ____ Has your pet received inconsistent training, or has he been trained one way by a previous owner and now receives different training from you?
33. ____ Does he exhibit bad habits that you would like to retrain?
34. ____ Is he overly dissatisfied with his food, barring his natural likes and dislikes?
35. ____ Does he have a history of many relocations of home or ownership?
GRAPE – Love
36. ____ Has she lost a household companion, either human or animal, to death or relocation, or have your pet’s babies recently been given away?
37. ____ Is your pet excessively aloof or unapproachable by nature?
38. ____ Does she seem clingy or needy, or is she prone to whining or crying for no apparent reason?
39. ____ Is she alone for long periods of time without companionship, including while you’re gone for the day or on vacation?
40. ____ Is her behavior either bullying or jealous (may be expressed as soiling), or inappropriately territorial (possibly marking)?
41. ____ Do you know of, or suspect, abuse (meaning cruelty or neglect) from a previous owner?
42. ____ Is your pet’s behavior aggressive toward other animals or people?
LETTUCE – Calmness
43. ____ Is your pet nervous or restless by nature, or is he typically agitated by newcomers to the household?
44. ____ Does he express what looks like anger for no apparent reason?
45. ____ Is he young with a short attention span, or does “bouncing off the walls” describe his temperament?
ORANGE – Enthusiasm
46. ____ Has your pet just given birth?
47. ____ Is there a member in the household dealing with depression, or does your pet herself seem listless or despairing?
48. ____ Has she been abused or treated badly by a previous owner?
49. ____ Is she kept indoors after having previously been able to roam freely outdoors?
50. ____ Has she been declawed, debarked, or otherwise altered (excluding neutering)?
51. ____ Has she lost a companion, either animal or human, to separation or death?
52. ____ Is she dealing with a terminal or debilitating illness, or is she expressing an impaired ability to move?
PEACH – Selflessness, Expansion
53. ____ Is your pet overly demonstrative?
54. ____ Was he weaned too early, and does he chew or suckle objects of clothing or other animals?
55. ____ Does he need to get along better with other pets in the household?
56. ____ Have your pet’s babies recently been given away?
PEAR – Peacefulness, “Emergency Essence”
57. ____ Is your pet recovering from an accident, illness, or surgery, or about to undergo a medical procedure?
58. ____ Is her past history unknown?
59. ____ Has she been traumatized or injured in any way, either physically or emotionally, or has she undergone a crisis, or expressed panic, anxiety, or disorientation?
60. ____ Has she experienced a significant upset in her normal routine?
61. ____ Does she need to be left overnight at the veterinary hospital or boarded away from home?
62. ____ Has she been attacked by other animals?
63. ____ Does she need to be transported by car, plane, or other forms of travel?
64. ____ Is your pet in a time of transition, such as giving birth or nearing the time of passing?
PINEAPPLE – Assuredness
65. ____ Does your pet seem to need a stronger sense of his own identity, especially in a multiple-pet or person household, or does he seem to need excessive amounts of praise?
66. ____ Does your pet come from a kennel, shelter, foster home, or series of different living situations?
67. ____ Has he been in shows, competitions, or county fairs, or are you preparing him for these activities?
68. ____ Is he an older animal who, after being in the limelight of shows or having a specific function or job on the property, is no longer suited to those roles?
69. ____ Is he the runt of the litter?
RASPBERRY – Kindheartedness
70. ____ Has your pet been harshly disciplined and seeming emotionally wounded as a result?
71. ____ Is there any reason for which she may feel slighted, unappreciated, offended or somehow replaced?
72. ____ Is she receiving less attention than usual due to a new relationship or the arrival of new pets or babies?
73. ____ Is she exhibiting “lashing out” behavior, expressed as barking, hissing, soiling, spraying, shredding of furniture, or other destructive behaviors, or does her play express an uncommon or inappropriate viciousness?
SPINACH – Simplicity
74. ____ Is you pet “acting old before his time,” or is he an older animal who has been “put out to pasture”?
75. ____ Does he live in a stressful household or have to cope with certain tensions in adjusting to a domesticated life?
76. ____ Has he suffered abuse or neglect during his childhood?
77. ____ Does he act “not quite himself” after a surgery, injury, or illness?
78. ____ Has your pet lost the ability to groom, feed, evacuate, or otherwise care for herself?
79. ____ Has there been a divorce or separation in the household, or any situation that would be considered ungrounding for your pet, including any persons in the household who are dealing with as lack of self-worth?
80. ____ Is she nearing her time of passing, especially after a debilitating illness?
81. ____ Is there any reason lately for your pet to feel that her territory or “space” is threatened, or has her innate sense of dignity been overstepped in any way?
TOMATO – Mental strength, Courage
82. ____ Does your pet exhibit fear in ways other than instinctive or appropriately self-protective?
83. ____ Is he skittish or easily spooked, or does he jump at loud voices or noises?
84. ____ Does he bark excessively or somewhat hysterically?
85. ____ Are visits to the vet a source of distress for him, or does transportation cause him a serious crisis?
86. ____ Is city life traumatic for him?
87. ____ Is he easily bullied and unable to stand up for himself?
88. ____ Does your pet have a “job” serving people, such as a police or guard dog?
89. ____ Is he upset by extreme weather conditions, including thunder?
90. ____ Is your pet’s previous history unknown to you?
Copyright 2023 by Lila Devi. Permission required for reprints.