At a discussion on the differences between theme and plot essences, as explained in Chapter 8 of The Essential Flower Essence Handbook, a student at my recent seminar expressed the most common misunderstanding between these two concepts. She confused theme essence (predominant positive soul, or personality, quality) with plot essence (need to stimulate or awaken an existing positive soul, or personality, qualities).
This understandable misconception might actually reveal a very common thought: that we in fact are our faults and our shortcomings. To identify with those weaknesses and problems means that we use them as a point of reference in defining who we are—when in fact we might be healthy human beings, capable of the highest levels of human perfection! Here’s an example from the class.
One woman shared her fear of air flights since youth, thinking this meant that she was a Tomato theme, which is all about mental strength and endurance. Interestingly and not surprisingly, this is a common fear for people, as prevalent in men as it is in women.
Or, this could be as simple as identifying with what we interpret as negative circumstances. “It’s raining today, I think I’ll stay inside until the weather changes.” Paramhansa Yogananda, an international world teacher who initially interpreted Spirit-in-Nature Essences, said that “circumstances are neutral.” Thus it’s how we choose to interpret them that makes them seem either positive or negative.
As one student added, it’s to our advantage to not view flower essences as a means of miliorating our defects, which is how many people tend to view their shortcomings. Where’s the focus there? It lands right back on the negativity, the lack, the imperfections, and so on.
The suggestion of this flower essence line, as our byline encourages, as tools that can help us to move toward in our own “perfect well-being.”