Cherry Essence 1/2 oz. (15 ml.)


For cheerfulness, can help you to have a more lighthearted, less heavy attitude toward life. A great brightener of attitudes! For children, this essence is helpful during periods of withdrawal or sadness, and for pets, when they act ornery, listless, or disinterested in their surroundings (be sure to rule out medical causes).

Positive Expressions of Cherry 

Light-hearted Even-minded
Childlike Optimistic
Cheerful Positive
Bubbly Emotionally stable
Light-spirited Untouched by difficulties
Happy Contented

Negative Conditions Aided by Cherry Essence

Contented Determined to remain upset
Pessimistic Caught in a “dark cloud”
Unhappy Brooding
Sad Temperamental
Self-pitying Heavy-spirited
Gloomy Grumpy
Moody Of sour disposition


About Our Bottles:

  • Prepared from the purest blossoms in their peak of bloom
  • In cobalt blue glass bottles with glass pipettes
  • Full-color designer labels
  • For maximum freshness and longevity, store the bottles upright, tightly sealed, and protected from heat, humidity, and sunlight
Weight 1 oz
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