Avocado Essence 1/2 oz. (15 ml.)


For good memory, is for people who want to develop greater awareness and a love of learning; also for “the daydreamer”; for children to remember chores and homework, and for undertaking creative projects; and for pets, to assist in training and responsiveness.

Positive Expressions of Avocado

Willing Attentive to detail
Open Lucid dreaming
Good memory retention Strongly directional
Mindful Purposeful
Aware Able to learn lessons
Alert Organized
Accurate Clear thinking
Acuity-oriented Living fully in the present
Mentally ready Able to concentrate

Negative Conditions Aided by Avocado

Forgetful Spacey
Noncommittal Vacant-minded
Day-dreamy Absent-minded
Regretful Dull
Sloppy Inattentive to detail
Repeating mistakes Unambitious
Holding onto the past Unconscious
Disorganized Homesick


About Our Bottles:

  • Prepared from the purest blossoms in their peak of bloom
  • In cobalt blue glass bottles with glass pipettes
  • Full-color designer labels
  • For maximum freshness and longevity, store the bottles upright, tightly sealed, and protected from heat, humidity, and sunlight
Weight 1 oz
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