7th Chakra Blend


Flower Essences: Coconut, Date, and Pear Essences

Location: Top of the head

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara chakra

Color: Violet

Element: Super-ether

About the 7th Chakra

The 7th, or Sahasrara/crown chakra, is located at the top of the head. Existing beyond form like the 6th chakra with the element of super-ether, it is represented by the color violet, which vibrates at the highest frequency of all the visible colors of the rainbow spectrum. Its beneficial qualities are freedom, harmony, and bliss. The nature of this chakra is expressed in the following flower essences:

Coconut Essence for uplifted spiritual awareness; for being superconscious and solution-oriented; in other words, to rise above every test, no matter how daunting; to raise your thoughts to the mountaintop of clear understanding.

Date Essence for tender sweetness and seeing, without judgment, the embracing unity of all creatures and all life in a state of Oneness.

Pear Essence for inner peace, to accept with equanimity whatever challenges and obstacles come our way, from the mundane to the monumental; and that peace, embodying the opposite of conflict and resistance, is our natural state – from day to day and from decade to decade.

The 7th Chakra Blend Flower Essence embraces our highest potential and perfect well-being. Its nature is non-dualistic, meaning free from the thwarting cross-currents of all opposing energies. It represents the highest possible goal, and destiny, of every human being.

About Our Bottles

  • Prepared from the purest blossoms in their peak of bloom
  • Each formula keenly attuned to reinforcing its chakra’s flow, stability, and expansion
  • Combinations of 3 of the most important flower essences for each chakra
  • In cobalt blue glass bottles, ½ oz. (15 ml.)
  • Designer labels that match the colors of the corresponding chakras
  • For freshness and longevity: store upright, tightly sealed, out of heat and humidity.
Weight 1 oz
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